Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dating Rule #1

No kissing on the first date.

This may seem difficult, especially if you REALLY like someone, but I assure you, it’s best to wait.

Now I know you might be thinking, “Well I kissed my boyfriend on the first date and we’re still together, what up with that?” That is all fine and well and I assume that you understand for the most part you are the exception and not the rule.

I will also tell you, that in my experience, men like the chase. I have asked countless men; clients, ex-boyfriends, friends, and relatives, and they all say the same thing. Men like the chase.

If a man doesn’t call you after the first date, even though the date was amazing and you both talked about a second date, but after you deny the kiss, things get weird? He wasn’t the right one for you. Any man you want to be with should respect your rules and if not getting a kiss is a deal breaker for him, he and men like him should be a deal breaker for you.

Don’t take it personally. He just wasn’t willing to “pay” for what you’re “worth”. His loss. Learning this first rule will help you weed out the keepers and ones who are just looking for another notch.

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