Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dating Rule #3

Be Available, but not TOO Available.

Let’s say you went out on a date. It was fun, you had a great time. He asks to see you again and you tell him you’re free everyday until Friday. It’s Monday. Girl, don’t be surprised if he waits to call Thursday night or Friday morning, if at all.

That means, 4 days of you racking your brain, trying to figure out why he hasn’t called, texted, emailed. 4 days of over analyzing each thing he said, did, and each action and what it might mean.

If you give a guy a week to write a paper, he will write it the night before. If he wants to buy a big screen TV for the Super Bowl, Saturday he will be out looking for one. If you tell him he’s got dish duty tonight, don’t be surprised if they are still sitting in the sink tomorrow, and then washed just in time for you to make dinner.

Guys like to wait it out until the last possible minute. If you are too available, too free, have too much time to sit around, he will wait until the last possible minute, do everything he wants to do first and then call and make a plan with you. But! If you tell him “I am free Wednesday for lunch, or Thursday evening.”, and those are his ONLY choices, he will realize you are a busy person and if he wants some of your precious time, he needs to act fast, or he’ll lose out.

The same can be said about any profession. In fact, when I was starting out in my industry, I went to a seminar about finding, booking and retaining clients. The lecturer said he would look at his books and he would be totally empty but one person at 4:00. If another client called he would give them two options, either 3:30, or 4:30. That way when the clients were leaving they would see another client coming, making it look like he was busier and more in demand than he actually was. It’s the same principal. Granted you don’t want to make it seem like your pants have a turn stall, but the lesson there is all the same.

If a guy wants to see you, he will. If you want to make sure it happens sooner than later, you need to express that by letting him know you’re a busy person and only free this day and this day. He’ll get the idea. If those days don’t work for him, because of work, or previous engagements, then kindly let him know that you have time next week as well and leave it at that. He will either want to book that date now for next week, or he’s going to be calling you Sunday night to make sure you both have time free for the coming week.

The man who doesn’t do this, most likely isn’t in it for the long run, and it’s best to cut him off sooner than later.

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